

the excluded middle way

Bill Moyers with philosopher Daniel Dennett

Moyers: Is there a ‘ground of all being’
Dennett: Sure! I’d like to be able to thank someone for the universe we live in but the best I can do is study it, learn about it, with awe. Anselm described God as that being than which no greater can be conceived. If that is your definition of God then I DO believe in God. The universe is greater than we can conceive and it’s far greater than anything I can fully comprehend.

So who is right? Dennet or Anselm?

If, in meditation we can come to a place of rest and identify our true self, or identify with everything that is arrising with no subject or object distinctions, then aren’t we too experiencing Anselm’s God?

Can we explain it using blogs and words and gestures? No.

So who is right?

BOTH Dennet AND Anselm!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Filed under: Atheism, Dennett, God, meditation, our precious human life, Skepticism, Video

2 Responses

  1. Michael says:

    “every religion has a technology for belief management”


  2. Michael says:

    “Going in a cathederal exalts you… I’m a lover of cathederals, and I feel their power. But I think that power can be understood without it being diminished”

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